Narcissistic Disorder

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Narcissistic Disorder

Narcissistic Disorder


Narcissistic disorder of a person is a condition in which a person shows a persistent pattern of lavishness, his or her need for admiration and lack of understanding. This is the ability to develop an emotional bond with others that the person develops from the onset of his or her childhood and is present in differing circumstances.

Narcissists are people who do not appear too much for the consultation but they are very present in public life, especially in the media. All we can think of artists, singers, actors, intellectuals and television presenters, for example, which have been raised over the ego. One thing is to think that someone excels at something specific (for example, a player in playing football) and quite another to deduce from this that the person is already more important than others. This is the very essence of narcissism: to be fully convinced that one is more valid than others, including most or all. The narcissist sees no one above himself, but many see below, but not in the land on which topping, but as a person in general.

Individuals with self-esteem are well established, very strong against what is commonly said. This does not make them better people, because at the interpersonal level operation is painful. This would not be so, because someone may think it is "the king of mambo" but does not necessarily look down on others, however, unfortunately so. The point is that the narcissist to be considered in a higher plane than the others because it does not support them because it has been emotionally detached from them (Campbell & Miller, 2011).

Narcissists, by this emotional detachment, lack of genuine interest in others, they lack empathy. They care very little what happens to people around although they are known, are only concerned about themselves. The others serve only to turn around them, to praise and endorse its grandeur. Unfortunately, there are always individuals, who are driven and perfectly fulfill its function of "fans" unconditional, laughing graces of excellence narcissistic and seeing where there is only normal.

These people are not content with his vision and higher self of themselves, but they operate in life have very clear implications for their sense of special importance. For example, a narcissist would not feel comfortable in a public transport or using public health, because they always think they deserve better (since it is an individual one level above the other). You will need shoes, watches or car brand, which has the most expensive, because they are appropriate for someone of his status. Its parliament deserves special attention, as he says, sometimes majestic and pedantic way is nothing short of high and tremendous interest. Again and again speak of himself, his circumstances, his life and his vision of things, as if the only interesting thing in the world and as if the others we were eager to know the intricacies of his person, without being amount of any other thing (Holy, ...
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