Napoleon Invasion Of Russia

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Napoleon Invasion of Russia


The world in which we live today is moving at a very fast pace. In this rapidly changing world, the only thing that is constant is change. In order to deal with this changing times people are adopting new technologies, managerial skills and leadership skills so that they can win this race with time. This race is not new. If we track the usage of managerial skills and the role of strategies in past one name that would appear in our mind is of Napoleon. He was famous to use effective and efficient strategies in wars and to create his influence. He even until today is considered as the master of the project management and implementation of military strategies. But, one thing to be noted is that it was not the always that his strategies worked. Sometimes he had to face defeat. One case in which his strategies did not work was his attempt of invasion of Russia. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about how and why Napoleon's invasion of Russia can be regarded as unsuccessful.


“Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come”, Carl Sandburg

The above quotation of Carl Sandburg summarizes the results of the war in an indirect way that Napoleon spread in Russia for the purpose of invasion. The attempt that was made by Napoleon to invade Russia was not successful. In order to invade a territory it is indispensible to have your influence and that place or territory must be ruled who invaded that territory. But, in the case of Napoleon invasion of Russia, Napoleon had his influence earlier but it did not work for so long. The failure of the Napoleon can simply be predicted by the reason that became the nub or the ground for napoleon ...
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