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Practical Book Review: Nine Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life

By Dr. Henry Cloud


[Student ID]Practical Book Review: Nine Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life

By Dr. Henry Cloud


Dr. Henry Cloud, a psychologist having years of experience in counseling, presents this book that suggests 9 things which if done would make them successful in their lives. Cloud (2004) in his book probes why some people are successful in life and despite hardships they seem to overcome those pressures while others find it difficult to do so. What makes these people successful in matters of relationship, business and also personal situations? He then provides nine insightful ideas based on his observations, about what comprises of those successful people which he calls the 'déjà vu' people. These 'déjà vu' people he observes all have the same characteristics with a predictable behavioral pattern and certain common actions (Amazon Review). He believes that to be like them is something that would just require learning of those traits.

The nine characteristics that Cloud presents in his book about the déjà vu people can be classified into three different sections. The first 3 qualities that he presents can be found to be dealing mainly with self observation and self assessment. The first one suggests that the first thing a person needs to do is find what is buried in our heart. One needs to be aware of the dreams and passions that lie within. The talents and abilities need to be dug up and then valued. This is what characterizes a successful person. Next he suggests the identification of negative elements and removal of negative energy or in other words, the things that hinder in the pursuance of the dreams. Finally he presents the idea that successful people always make a move by first considering the consequences and effects of it.

The second set of qualities gives strategies to make those dreams a reality. The next two qualities are found to be dealing with this aspect. Providing examples of some courageous steps that can be taken, he tries to encourage the reader to move beyond the difficulties by taking bold initiatives. For the fulfillment of dreams, one needs to act. With the help of the analogy of ant, the way it undertakes the tasks at hand with perseverance and planning is exemplary. The ant achieves the goal with the help of moving step by step towards the main goal. Similar is the way déjà vu people operate in their lives to achieve their goals.

The last set of characteristics provides the foundation for the removal of elements that hinder success in life. Although the titles that he use to present these characteristics seem offensive on the surface but reading the content that underlies them would provide the reader meaningful insights related to what comprises of anyone seeking success.

The last chapter then outlines spiritual values that are keys to get success in life with special ...