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We are living in the age where the businesses, on the international level, are rapidly growing. Today, we see more and more multinational and global corporations are operating and working all across the globe. It is what we call as “globalization”. Nowadays geographical boundaries are no more an obstacle in the ways of the corporations. This is the reason why multinational and global corporations are operational all over the world.

It does not seem ethically viable to pronounce the universities as businesses, but this globalization aspect as well has got an immense influence over them. Today we find campuses of different foreign universities working in different countries. These foreign universities are working equally with the local universities, and play their part in providing good education to the students.


It could be very difficult for a university to embark upon a different country especially when it has never experienced so. A very successful and a popular university in one country, does not guarantee that it would have the same privilege as well on the foreign soil. If the board of directors of a university has decided to open a campus on a foreign soil, it must consider many factors. The board must take political, technological, legal, social, cultural and economic factors into account. Furthermore, to minimize the risk of a downfall or a serious collapse, it is better that a university must first initiate a joint venture with any of the institute on that foreign soil. That joint venture would help the university of have an exposure to the foreign soil.

As the board of directors of the ABCD University has taken the initiative that they are going to operate their university in India, they must make a team of individuals who can help them achieve their goals and objectives. They must make a team comprising of both the expatriates and the host country nationals. The team should be properly balanced in terms of the number of expatriates and the host country nationals so that it could achieve its objectives. The board of directors must consider the following key positions for its team.




Principal of the campus


The person will be responsible for handling all the campus related matters. He must have a pleasing personality. He must have a strong educational background. He must be able to portray the strong image of the university to the media on different forums.

Director marketing

Host country national

The person must have a strong marketing background. He must have links with advertising agencies and as well as with the educational governing bodies. He must be intelligent enough to create value for parents and their children.

Director finance

Host country national

The person must have strong financial background. He must be able to deal with the financial institutions and legal authorities. He must be able to interpret and report the financials to the main campus at UK.

Manager public affairs

Host country national

The person will deal with the public. He will work as a front end staff; therefore, he must have exceptional communication and persuasive skills. He must be able to counsel the students.

The board must consider these positions very ...
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