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Communication Conflict3



Communication Conflict Situation3

Barriers to effective communication4

Leadership Characteristics & Management Strategies to Resolve Conflict5


Communication Conflict


Communication has been defined as the management of message for the sake generating a meaning and sense (Frey, Botan, Kreps and Friedman, 1991). Communication is the most important elements of human life and it is vital for the rational development and growth of a person. Yet, miscommunication or misinterpreted information gives birth to serious conflicts which may ruin healthy relations. Conflicts are defined as the desire for one's own favored outcome, which if achieved, prevents the achievement by others of their favored outcome. In simple words, it is said to be a procedure where one person perceives that the other person had a negative impact on something that was a major concern of the person. Communication is basically a two way process where as one man speaks, the other interprets the message and designs a response. Communication conflicts occur very frequently in every body's life, workplace or relationships, following is such a case where a message was misinterpreted and it led to a serious conflict.


Communication Conflict Situation

Health care is a huge industry with a large number of stakeholders responsible for different activities and tasks. Nurses are members of the team working at a healthcare organization, whether big or small, and they are the active members of clinical and nursing units. Recently, during my internship at a local health care center, I encountered a problem with one of my colleagues. At a place where so many people from different units are working under roof, it is very important to keep good terms with people in order to enhance the effectiveness in the treatment and care of patient. One of my colleagues was supposed to be on duty at night, since I had been on duty for 36 continuous hours and I was supposed to go home at 5 o clock in the evening. So I told my colleague that she will be on duty after 5 o clock till 10. I went home around 5:00 and I didn't check on her thinking that she must have arrived by now and must be in some ward. Around 8pm, I received an angry call from my head inquiring me about on-duty nurse and I told him that I had already assigned the duty to someone. But due to her carelessness and almost no attention towards what I was saying, situation got complicated with the absence of all the three nurses and nobody present at the hospital to look after few patients. The next day we got to know that my colleague had assumed as if I told her to come at 5am next morning. So the whole problem occurred because she wasn't even listening to me carefully. And that is the most common reason for communication conflicts now days.

Barriers to Effective Communication

People do not possess all the required interpersonal skills which are essential for a successful and flawless communication ...
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