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Executive Summary

The work presents a personal effectiveness report of Subject A and sheds light on the fact that why Subject A is best for the given job description based on his personality traits that were a result of four different kinds of psychometric tests. The work then focuses on the types of psychometric tests used and brings literature review of the psychometric tests and their importance along with their effectiveness in the recruitment process and why organizations tend to opt for the testing.






Over View of the Psychometric Indicators Used5

Interaction Styles5

Big Five Locator6


Literature Review8




Personal Effectiveness Report



The case is of a PR Executive, Subject A, who was being hired initially as a manager in an organizational firm that has its business based on IT. The hiring process to be at the first ladder of the step was quite complex as there were multiple kinds of testing involves that involved not only the written tests and interviews, but psychometric testing as well. The written test comprised of the basic test about the work that was listed according to the job description. The test comprised of an IQ test as well so that the IQ level of the applicant can be tested. If selected, the employee has to work with a team that comprises of four members including him and they have to work on mutual work settings in order to achieve the target. Since the post is an important one and takes into account working with people outside the organizational setup as well, it was important that the applicant be tested through psychometric tests as well so that it would be confirmed that what kinds of traits he possesses and how he would behave with his colleagues as well as how he would represent himself in front of the people he would interact with for the purpose of building a healthy PR for the company.

The testing revealed he is open to experiences and is an extrovert, making him an excellent candidate for the job. The aspect that he is open to experience would allow him to work better with a team without leading to any conflicts and the fact that he has an extrovert personality is going to make him a person who easily mingles with others, making working as a team easier for him. He also has a tendency of agreeableness in him, making him a person who avoids conflicts and enjoys a light environment without holding any grudges. The psychometric testing also reveals that he has a body posture that radiates self confidence and an assertive attitude that has a positive reflection to it.

Given the traits and the personality that the candidate has, he is perfect for the given job and would be able to do it in the best manner as compared to other candidates who applied for the job.


The psychometric tests that were used were the Interaction Styles, Self Monitoring, the Big Five Locator and Morphopsychology ...
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