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The mythology is the systematic study of myths and their standardized exposition in literary, scientific or scriptural form. Mythology may be broader than just the totality of the myths of a people, region or social group. It ordinarily meant by mythology, according to the antiquated notion that all the myths, legends for membership of a culture or a people. In addition, let myths to deal with various issues across cultures. This gives subdivisions such as astral mythology, mythological figure, eschatology (Campbell, pp. 10).

Mythology, but also deals with the question of the origin of myths and their relationship to other narrative forms such as legend, fairy tale, legend, epic. Especially fairy tales sometimes viewed as degraded myths. The development of myth as a narrative genre, and also their transformation tale is the subject of narratology. The origin of myths is also the subject of psychology, especially the once modern social psychology. As far as the object of religious myths seen, the research closely linked with the history of religion connected. Information from myths is important for the reconstruction of religious ideas, which sometimes combine content from different mythological origins to a system. Joseph Campbell pointed out that from a religious point of view "myth" as "the religion of other people" can be defined. To that extent religion was "misunderstood mythology"; the misunderstanding lies in the fact that "mythical metaphors interpreted as evidence of irrefutable facts". Central themes in mythology, in this case, the creation of the world (Genesis), and processes of destruction and renewal (eg, within the nature, rebirth), often in connection with the struggle among various powers (both concrete gods, heaven and earth, and abstract qualities, like good and evil, light and dark). They are not ordinarily thought of as a historical reality, but as a representation of a structure behind the linguistic reality in pictures. As an example, the Genesis serves (Osborne, pp. 43).

Another focus of mythologies is genealogical derivatives of entire nations or dynasties of gods or powerful esteem by other nations. They serve in the first case of religious legitimating, in the second case, the unity of consciousness stems from the "we-feeling" the same origin. The British writer Robert Graves Mythology defined as "exploration of the religious or heroic legends that are in the experience of students so strange that he cannot be true” (Scheub, pp. 156).


Mythology and religion

The term often used more frequently in this sense to describe religions founded by ancient societies, such as Greek mythology, the Roman mythology and Norse mythology. However, it is important to remember that while some view the Norse and Celtic pantheons as mere fable, others consider religions. Similarly, it is also true when analyzing the mythologies of indigenous peoples (e.g. the South American mythology), in which case you can observe that even the indigenous religions profess (Osborne, pp. 43). Generally, many people do not believe the stories surrounding the origin and development of religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and chronic unembellished facts, but as figurative or symbolic representations of ...
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