Mythologies Of World Cultures

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Mythologies of World Cultures

Mythologies of World Cultures



Mythology is a collection of myths. A myth is usually a sacred and religious narrative mostly elucidating on humankind, Gods and the world. Its essential purpose is to describe how the world come about to be the way it is now. In general, myth can be described as a long-established narrative. There are some characteristics that are globally present in myths of that culture and social setting. Typically, rulers and kingdoms, priests and the clergy, as well as supernatural elements and characters are found it abundance in a mythical narrative. The need for mythology is intrinsic in many cultures on the basis of its inclination to elaborate on significant historical accounts, or characterization of natural phenomena, or as a medium to give perspective on varying rituals inherent in the concerned culture. Thus mythological narratives have been a substantially used medium, across different cultures in the world. It is used as a defining tool to explain and convey certain religious experiences. Further, myth is used to give an insight on the behavioral aspects predominant in a concerned culture. It was conclusively agreed till earlier 19th century that myth has played a significant role as a medium to teach and educate the concurrent generations. 19th century comparative mythology reiterated the role of myth as an evolution towards science. Though, interpretations in the later centuries rejected the summation that myth is evolving towards science and thus the cycle completion has made it obsolete and unusable. It is observed that many works of fiction, in recent times, do bear the inspirations of myths. Fantasy novels, fiction dealings in subjects of magic realism, urban legends are some of these fictional writings and narratives that borrow heavily from the mythologies of their culture.

This research attempt would illustrate different forms of traditional narratives, of which myths are a primary part. Different distinctive characteristics inherent in mythologies of different cultures would then be presented. The next focus of the paper would be to discuss the theories of scholars regarding the origins of myths. Further on periodic based theories on mythology would be illustrated. The final focus of the paper would shift to Etruscan Mythology and its similarities and borrowings from other mythologies of different cultures would be compared and discussed.


Traditional Narratives - the Kinds

Myths are closely related, thus often confused, with narratives of other kinds. These are legends and folktales. Essentially, these three classifications of narratives are somewhat different. This is because, folktales, are not sacred and sanctimonious in its nature. They are not set in prehistoric times or define the basis and formation of existence. Furthermore, societies and cultures do not consider these forms of narrative as true. Though, legends are usually narratives that are assumed to be true. But, they are based in modern eras. Further, legends are based on characters that are human. Gods and supernatural creatures are not constituents of a legend, unlike myths. Certain myths that start to lose its identity as true resurface as folklores in ...
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