Mystery Shopper

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Mystery Shopper

Service Quality in Hospitality Industry


This paper will focus on those areas of the hospitality industry that involve a voluntary purchase of accommodation, food, or beverage for the purposes of convenience or pleasure. Typically in these situations the employee becomes a host and the customer his guest. In the extended encounters that are part of many hospitality experiences, employees are required to repeatedly affirm this hospitable relationship among themselves and their customers. For their part, the hospitality guests are in a setting that is somewhat similar to a familiar domestic setting but they have less control over the arrangements than they would in a domestic setting. The employee-customer dyad is of course mediated by the manager who must balance the need to create the warmth of a domestic hospitality setting with the need to maximise the cold hard cash extracted from individual guests and from the operation (Goetsch, 2006, 78-88).

The Mystery Shopper in this industry assess the response to questions, objections and complaints can be made to staff, their kindness, an analysis of body language and oral, of their appearance, their trade capacity sales, waiting times, knowledge of product they sell, the work environment, the image that conveys the company's brand value, the control of collection, etc. At the end of the visit will make a report to be used for feedback on the service, motivating employees and convey the strengths and weaknesses of business management. It is not that what "is not good," but also to find those aspects that make up the strength of the company. Recognize weaknesses serves to correct and rectify all those details that ultimately lead to customer dissatisfaction. Know what strengths you will enable the organization to use any differentiator to maintain or save market share (Wilkins, 2010, 1-21).

An authentic "Mystery Shop" looks to some of the defects, establish guidelines to follow to improve service and customer care. A standard questionnaire or agreed with the company on "Mystery Shop" makes use of all services of the establishment as a common client, without identifying, collecting all the information necessary to later develop a report containing all aspects that can be improved in terms of service, customer service, work procedures, interior, information, product quality, condition of facilities and elements of work, professionalism, corporate image, etc. Their work will do little if you just point why a visit can only analyze what happened at that time, you must visit the establishment for several days and different times. No cake to detect exceptional situations, but common (Robinot, 2010, 157-169).


The word hospitality is often used to describe the rather broad field that incorporates lodging, foodservice, leisure, conventions, travel, and attraction. It may also be used descriptively to explain the way in which one person behaves to another. The distinction between hospitality and hospitableness is arguing that the latter refers to authentic kindness and generosity while the former refers to the creation of experiences. They argued that managing this tension between creating the feeling of being at home ...