Myers' Briggs Personality Test

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Myers' Briggs Personality Test

Myers' Briggs Personality Tests completed on team members Joann and Raymond. I will be using my knowledge of myself to make claim of judgment about the accuracy of the Meyers-Briggs test. Use Maslow's hierarchy of needs to argue the growth needs that influence personality formation. Joanne's test results for the Myer's Briggs Personality results are ISTP. Joanne's results are by letter Introverted is 22%, Sensing is 1%, Thinking is 12%, and Perceiving is 11%. The one word that describes Joanne is crafter is masterful operation of tools, equipment, machines, and instruments of all kind. Joanne's career fields by the Myers' Briggs Personality Test are Technical or Science and Social Service.

Technical careers for Joanne are computer programming, engineering, technology education, and mechanics or automotive repair; career in Social Science are law, counseling, and librarian. Raymond's results of the Myer's Briggs personality test results are ISTJ. The letters in the Myer's Briggs personality test are ISTJ, Introverted is 11%, Sensing is 6%, Thinking is 38%, and Judging is 67%.

Myers' Briggs personality test goes on and explains career fields of Technical, Management, Health Care, and Law Enforcement for ISTJ. Technical career fields are computer programming, technology education, engineering, and mechanics or automotive repair. Management career fields are management, accounting, and sport coaching. Health care fields are a physician, and dentist or dental assistant. Law Enforcement career fields are law, military training, and security services. Joanne and Raymond have some of the same choices in career fields because, of the results of Myers' Briggs Personality Test scores are the same first three letters IST.

The difference is in the last letter of the test Joanne is a P and Raymond are a J. That means Joanne is more performing with more interest in mechanical than artistic, and Raymond is more judging. Joanne and Raymond's career fields mostly the aforementioned with a few differences. Temperament is one of the characteristic that I agree with because everyone reacts to one's environment differently. Some children will with draw and will be outgoing. Within the temperament, I found the nervous system temperament, which affects the biological temperament in the particular area of introversion-extroversion.

The second characteristic is sensation seeking that I agree with because I have seen people like this in all groups of people. Sensation seekers are always looking for the next challenge or new high. Natural selection is one of the characteristic that I disagree with because if this is still happening why do not see happening today. I have seen parents who are small and have children are big. I have seen lacking parents having tall children. With most of past dangers nonexistent nowadays, it is hard to see natural selection working in this generation.

The other characteristic that I disagree with Kin selection because it is saying to me that my genes will be pass on through my family members. If I am an only child, how would my genes passed on through my nieces and nephews? The only genes passed on are from ...
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