My Ways Of Covering

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My Ways of Covering

My Ways of Covering

According to Yoshino, everyone at some point in their life feel the need to cover. Different people cover for themselves for different needs. I too cover myself up. The reason why I cover myself is to hide the fact that I belong to a poor family. This is not to say that I am ashamed of my family or the fact that I am poor, but I like to present myself as someone well off.

Appearance - I am a very presentable person with an amiable personality. For this reason I have made it a point to dress up in expensive attire. I am very brand conscious and I like fine dining. I believe the physical appearance of a person says a lot about their social status.

Association - All my friends are white. I have friends who are very well off and hanging out with them makes me feel and others believe that I am well off just like them. A man is known by the company he keeps. Given the exceptions, the rich usually hang out with the rich as they can relate to them.

Affiliation - Since my education was funded by IOM which is a non-governmental organization, I was able to socialize with my white friends and was able to offer to pay for their bill.

Activism - In addition, throughout my academic life, I have tried to keep myself away from the native kids and their activities such as strikes on campus since I was enrolled in the boarding school called Bishop Luke High School (BLHS).

Hence, I cover my poor status behind the veil of branded clothes, shoes and accessories. I realize that this is a material world and money earns you respect.

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