My Strongest Quality Is Integrity

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My Strongest Quality Is Integrity


Integrity is defined in two spheres: the physical and the moral. Its physical meaning is derived from the Latin integritas and the concept of integer or whole number. It is the physical state of completeness, of undivided wholeness. In the moral realm, integrity is defined as an unimpaired moral state, characterized by incorruptibility, innocence, honesty, and sincerity (Jacobs, pp. 215-223).

My Strongest Quality Is Integrity

In trying to answer this question I have considered many commendable people. The people whom I feel have been and are examples of integrity are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Hale and Mohandas Gandhi. These intellectuals are for me very important, excellent examples of integrity and I learned integrity from these people. Knowing and believing this, I choose some one close to me who epitomizes this quality. I choose my father as a person who is an example of a being who has integrity.

My father is a man who thinks pure thoughts. My father has sacrificed many tangible and some intangible facets for his family. He places the needs of his family over perceived needs for himself. For him the principle of family can be thought of as immediate family, extended family, community and the whole human race. His sacrifices and hard work extend to all of these groups.

My father showed behavioral integrity. I think that behavioral integrity is what concerns many organizations. Indeed, most of the examples noted above are behavioral in their focus. Theft is a behavior in which a member of the organization takes the organization's resources—money, toner cartridges, or paper clips— for personal use and/or without the sanction of the organization. Embezzlement, fraud, the use of drugs on the job, and countless other behavioral examples abound of low integrity.

Throughout his whole life, he has committed himself to the betterment of ...
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