My Original Ideas About The Determinants Of Personality

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My Original Ideas about the Determinants of Personality

My Original Ideas about the Determinants of Personality





Personality Theories

Many people have their individual beliefs about what causes personality, and sometimes they argue about their personal theories. However, I believe that all of them are partly right in some way. In other words, personality is developed as a result of several elements, not just one. I think personality can be explained by several factors, including heredity, the environment and astrophysical phenomena; the last factor, although ancient in its history, is only recently being studied by scientists.

First, heredity is a factor that determines personality. Many people already know that physical traits are passed down by parents to their children. For example, people's hair color, eye color, skin complexion, height and other physical characteristics are inherited from their parents. What is often neglected or ignored is how genes also carry certain personality traits. White people, for example, are more outgoing, lively and gay relative to yellow people who are more reserved and may not communicate as much in a passionate manner. Black people may also be more musically inclined than yellow people. Indeed, it is hard to find popular singers, guitarists or pop artists who are yellow, but many of the best jazz musicians, pop artists and vocalists are black. Yellows and whites are also more inclined toward the sciences on the left side than blacks and brown who are more inclined toward the arts on the right side. Thus, blacks and browns tend to dance better also than yellows and whites.

However, the mind is also plastic, meaning it can be molded, with limitations, if it is immersed in a certain culture for a period of time. This is probably why some people think that all these are cultural traits that are passed down from one generation to another instead of being inherited. But there are limitations to what can be reshaped because even if certain races live in another culture, even as children, they still retain the traits that I mentioned. Blacks, for example, who were born in China and lived their as children, continue to excel in music relative to their yellow peers, even if they were raised and taught by yellow people.

Personality Theories

The communal discovering theory of Bandura emphasizes the significance of discerning and modeling the behaviors, attitudes and emotional reactions of others. One of his primary constituents is simply discovering through observation. ...