My Mother Memory

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My Mother Memory

My Mother Memory

Life is temporary and one day we all have to go. But some people in our lives are so important that they create our emotional and psychological dependence on them with their unconditional love and care for us; my beloved mother was like one of those people who left a huge vacuum in our lives, her sons, daughters, sisters, husband, in-laws, relatives, friends, which cannot be filled by anyone. Losses occur in the family unit losing a mother put a huge impact on the whole family unit and the functioning of this system. My mother died due to heart attack in her United Airlines flight and losing her has caused an imbalance in our family's homeostasis, leading the family to seek help from each other and psychiatrists. The configuration of my family, the position of my deceased mother, and the total life adaptation level, everything is playing a huge role in our grief which is not seems to be mitigating even after months of the death of my beloved mother. Specific factors that are affecting the grieving process in my family: the family life cycle stages, the roles which our mother played (she played almost every role from a friend to a great teacher) which each member from a family is expected to assume, power, affection and communication patterns and socio-cultural factors.

Family is more than the sum of the individual characteristics of its members, so it is necessary for all of us, the family members to understand the single family bereavement. The ability in every family member to express feelings and tolerate other family members varies greatly. So, some of the members in my family like my younger sister have taken a great impact of the death of our beloved mother and she is showing some ...
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