My Life In Texas

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My Life in Texas


Life in itself is a very tough experience, it teaches an individual several things as the individual tends to progress through his or life (Devin, p.14). Similar was my experience as I moved out of my parents house at the age of 18.When an individual is young the world seems a place where he or she can achieve anything however this perception tends to change drastically as one gets a taste of the life experiences. However, as one individual tends to progress through his or her life he or she also tends to become victim of many differences. However, the range of the differences are widespread on one hand it is the externally visible differences, of which the most common are race , ethnicity , age and disability and on the other hand, the subjective differences like sexual orientation , religion and lifestyle.

Similar is the case of my life I took the decision of my lives based on my limited perspective at the age of 18. However, the land of Texas has affected my life in a great deal, it allowed me to experiment more. It inculcated the spirit to compete and live my life to the fullest. However, the effect of Texas in my life tends to be discussed in the course of this paper.


However, in my opinion the life tends to teach the lesson on its own although I do believe that in order to enjoy the life to its fullest one need to take the freedom. I took this freedom in order to explore myself. However, the way I have approached my life was dictated by own terms which allowed me to experiment more and take the lessons out of it. However, texas on the other hand provided me the motivation to do so. There were many occasions in my life where I lacked motivations and did not know regarding the path which would take me ahead. However, the times when I was low on self-esteem such as when I worked as a cashier in the donut shop. There were times when I realized that life is beautiful and the world has lot more to offer to me than I expected.

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