My First Car

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My First Car

The first car I ever owned was given to me by my grandfather back in 2006 for my sixteenth birthday. It was a used, Dodge Challenger, convertible hard top. Betsy was her name and she was a dream car. She had a 440 engine, 4 speed transmission, thrush mufflers, awesome wheel base and leather interior. The scoop on the hood made her look so cool. Most of my friends had new cars, but I had the coolest car and everybody knew it. Betsy was fast and powerful. I had a heavy foot; we left skid marks not only on paved roads, but on the gravel driveway as well. I would be driving down the road and before I realized it I would be doing 90 miles per hour. I knew I had to watch myself carefully, but Betsy liked to fly and so did I. Every now and then one of my male friends would want to race me and being that I never turned down a challenge, I would race them. Betsy and I would smoke them. Luckily, I never got caught by my parents or the police. Even more of a blessing, I never had an accident. Thinking about it now, I realize that with my personality and Betsy's power, I could have been killed. Now, having raised two boys that have their driving license, I realize that a teenager's first car should not be a sports car. Sports cars are too fast, they do not have a safe body style and the insurance rates are outrageous.

It is a parents' job to protect their children no matter what. A sports car for a teen's first car would be putting the child at risk for an accident and possibly even death. "Lots of kids' pressure mom ...
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