My Externship Experience As A Pharmacy Tech

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my externship experience as a pharmacy tech

my externship experience as a pharmacy tech

Experience at Hilton Pharmaceutical

Name of Writer

Name of Institution

Experience at Hilton Pharmaceutical

The following pages will discuss my 5 year experience at Hilton Pharmaceuticals and how in these five years, I changed my life and learned how to work in a highly professional environment. In these five years, I changed my personality for good and accepted tasks that required high self esteem and motivation. After that my job description got filled with many different tasks, I got to learn a lot from every of them.

My experience as a pharmacy tech started 5 years ago in the early 2007. I was done with my B-pharmacy and was desperately in need for a job. I applied for Hilton Pharmaceutical and many other firms at that time. I got a nod from Hilton and from that moment, my journey as a pharmacy tech began.

After some interviews, my supervisor at Hilton Pharmaceutical allowed me to do my externship at Hilton Pharmaceutical, and if I proved worthy enough I would be offered a job. During my externship period, I worked with great concentration and willingness and my handwork did pay off as I was offered a job after my externship period ended. To me it was an auspicious and highly motivating moment, as Hilton Pharmaceutical is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the Middle East (

I used to work 4 days a week from Monday to Thursday. However, the first thing that baffles any student who has stepped into practical life is that how thing goes in the large scale firm and to understand how things are done in a large and authentic scale is something exhausting for everyone. It becomes more difficult altogether when you are working for one of the Top ranked pharmaceutical firm in the world. The expectations on their behalf, and dispersion on my behalf, both were high, and I somehow managed to meet their expectations with lots of hard work and determination.

The first few days were extremely challenging for me, as it was my first job experience and it took me quite a time to get used to the helm of affairs. Slowly and gradually I got used to these challenges and as days passed, these challenges became a lot easier, so much that these tasks were not even challenging to me after a week or two.

During my first three ...