My Experience For Master Educator

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My experience for master educator

My experience for master educator

Question #1: In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing urban school district today? If you are selected for this position, how will you work to overcome this challenge?In my opinion, the biggest challenge that urban schools are facing today is the lack of compassion in the teachers. Nowadays, teachers are not concerned with providing effective education to the students, although, teachers play an important role in molding the behavior of the students and grooming their personalities because after parents, teachers are the one with whom children spent most of their time. Therefore, the education and knowledge that is delivered by the teachers to the students is important and teachers child have passion and concern for teaching the students. There is a common trend in the teaching line that is, teaching is lacking its worth as a great profession. These days, people join the profession of teaching just to pass their time until they do not get a good job. This is the main cause of lack of compassion in the teachers. Moreover, the gaps in the student achievement between different racial groups are another challenge that urban schools are facing. The racial difference is a common challenge that exists in all the schools. Diversity in culture is also a challenge that urban schools are facing. it made difficult for the teachers and students to understand each other because if the diversity in languages and cultures. For instance, if a teacher is American and a student is Japanese, they cannot understand the language of each other.

If I will get selected for the position of Master Educator, I will do bring changes in the structure of urban schools to improve the educational system and to cope up with the challenges and issues. I know I am passionate about teaching the students and teaching has always remained the main aim and goal of my life for which I studied hard to achieve the teaching degree. I will always remain concerned with the students and will do every possible thing to develop the best personalities of my students. I know my role is like parent's role that is to educate the children so will provide bet knowledge and education to my students. Secondly, I will give a chance for achievement to each student regardless of his/ her race. I will not alone practice this elimination of racism; I will promote the elimination of racial difference in my school also. Lastly, I will overcome the challenge of cultural diversity by understandings the multiple cultures and understanding the languages of the students. By understanding the cultures of other students, we can eliminate the racism also because diversity and equality makes the things right. By incorporating diversity, equality and compelling teachers in the urban school system, we can overcome the challenges that urban school district is currently facing.

Question #2: Describe one instance when you successfully moved student achievement toward a defined ...
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