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My Appraisal of the Foundation Evidence Based Practice

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My Appraisal of the Foundation Evidence Based Practice


EBP is an abbreviation of Evidence-based practice and also known as evidence-based medicine. EBP intends to apply the finest accessible evidence obtained from the scientific methods to clinical decision making. EBP search to assess the strong points of evidence to evaluate the benefits and risk of treatment - it includes the deficiency of treatment, and diagnostic examinations. This assists medical and scientific understand and examine whether it will helps in healing or not.


Based on my experience in the evidence based practice, I can say that randomization sequence is essential to conceal from the researchers and clinicians of the research to reduce unconscious or conscious selection prejudice. I have worked in control group environment. The framework of evidence-based group work helps me in developing my skills by providing a structure how to competently apply practices through case examples, step-by-step checklists and guidelines, detailed directions to formulate questions and evaluate answers, practical learning activities, research designs and assessment tips. It is equally important as a practical reference for practitioners seeking to improve their practical abilities (De Simone, 2006: 445-449).

The nature of group is formal. The formal group nature helps in providing the basic structure of responsibilities and work division. This structure is beneficial in delegating responsibilities and duties of each group member and such complexities increase in geometric proportions with increasing project size. It helps in generating precision on what input and support each group member expect from one another, and tries to meet group and individual targets. Formal group also promotes disciplines in the group and make it easier to revise and review project changing requirements. This formal nature assists in organizing, planning and managing project.

Facilitation refers to the process of supporting a group to apprehend widespread mission, vision and targets. To accomplish these objectives a needs of facilitators to be effective as a leader, know how to diverse ideas and capitalize on the talents of the each group members, and competent culturally. Different groups need diverse set of skill and are typically determined by intervention curricula, type, purpose and subject matter. There are four basic group types that are Information Presentation Group, Support Groups, Skills-building Workshops/ Groups and Decision making Groups. Some interventions, like Safety Counts, might include more than one type of group (Hancock & Easen, 2004: 187-196).

I have worked in a combination of participant driven (support) group and decision making group. Participative driven groups give team members with emotional support in achieving goals or overcoming obstacles. For instance, participant driven group include sexual assault survivors, grief and loss, coming-out groups, healthy relationships and safety counts. Decision making groups helps in making effective and timely decisions based on a number of issues, which assist me in empowering core group, committees and management teams (Buetow & Kenealy, 2000: 85-92).

Being in a group is a quite distinct experience. Working with other group members brings a significance to ...
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