My Adolescence Paper

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My Adolescence Paper

My Adolescence Paper


The years of adolescence are one of the best times that a person ahs in his life. This time is associated with a number of changes in the person. These changes include psychological, physical, as well as, developmental changes that occur in the person during these years of adolescence. Adolescence years are characterized as a transitional stage of the human life. These transitions occur when a person reaches the teenage and then move towards adulthood. This period is more closely related to the teenage. The physical, social, cultural, as well as, psychological expression may be different for different people. The areas of biology, psychology, sociology history, anthropology and education have various different perspectives related to the period of adolescence. However, all of these disciplines view adolescence as a transition stage that connects childhood to adulthood. The cultural purpose of this age is to prepare the children for the roles that they have to play as adults.

Purpose of the Paper

The paper will talk about the personal experiences of the adolescence years and will provide an account of the different stages of adolescence and the experiences of this transitional age. The experiences of school, family, peers, cognitive and physical development and career will be included in the paper.


Adolescence years are one of the most unexpected years of the life of every individual. This is the age of life when one is uncertain about many things. One just does not know how to react in certain situations. People expect that one would now be behaving and making decisions like an adult, or at least sensibly. However, this age and the circumstances that one is in do not allow making many sensible decisions. This is the age where one can have the most fun time of his life. This ...
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