Muslim Man

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Life of a Muslim Man

Life of a Muslim Man


When Muslim men meet, they greet each other with the words "Salyamun alaykum" or "Assalam alaikum" in response to the same say "salaam alaikum". These words mean a lot more sense and good than to have come from the traditions of Jahiliyyah "good morning", "good day", "Good evening!"

Food and Drink

Muslims are forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, meat and pig fat in any form. In the Quran, alcoholic beverages have been referred to as "khamr," which means fermented wine juice. The Honorable Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) explained that this includes as grapes and figs, barley, and any other product used for the preparation of an alcoholic beverage. Explanation of this may occur because, when it was announced a ban on drinking alcohol on the streets of Madinah flowed not just pour the wine, but all other alcoholic beverages. It is also worth remembering that khamr made as of the dates.

As for food, it must be said that a Muslim is not allowed to eat meat of those animals that are slaughtered not according to the rules of Islam. The Quran says: "You are not allowed [there are] carrion, blood, pork, and the fact that slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah, [uboinu] strangled nuyu, clogged with sticks, izdohshuyu in the fall [in height], and killed the horns [cattle] , which lifted a predator - unless you kill it on the requirements - and that slaughtered for [pagan] altars. It is also forbidden to predict the future. If animals or poultry which are allowed in food, non-Muslims will be slaughtered, they are forbidden (haram). If they are slaughtered by one of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) are subject to the rules, it is allowed to eat meat. If the hen had been strangled, her flesh is not permitted, despite the fact who did it.

Meat amphibians that live both on land and in water (turtle, alligator, etc.), also banned for human consumption - is haraam. Slaughter animals according to the laws of Islam is made as follows: first, pronounced "Bismillaah" (the name of Allah), then cut the throat of the animal (trachea and esophagus), 2 cervical artery (vein), while avoiding damage to the spinal cord, then wait until the animal dies, and then you can start cutting.

The use of gold and silver dishes is forbidden in ...
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