Music And Movement

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Effect of Music and Movement on Child's learning

Effect of Music and Movement on Child's learning


Naturally, children love the music and respond to it. Children have the ability to feel the music both physically and emotionally. Music has great impacts on mind and movements of a person. Due to these facts, music is important for early childhood development, and improving learning skills of a child. In this essay, we will discuss that what effects the music can have on a child's learning capabilities.


Childhood is the most challenging period of a child's life, in which every new experience gives him a chance to learn and grow. It is the period in which the physical, mental and emotional foundations are built, and children learn to do different things with their bodies. They learn that how movements can be used to communicate messages and represent actions. Right after the birth, a baby starts the various movements. Young children can perform and recognize general actions including walking, swimming, or playing the piano. Body movement not only provides fun for the children but, also with a good opportunity for them to solve problems.

Naturally, music and movement connect to each other. Therefore, children respond to music by their dynamic movements and enjoy it.

Infants are fundamentally sensitive to the dynamics of sounds. They normally respond to music through movement by their entire body. They rock, bounce, and move in response to loud music. As infants grow to toddlers, they are able to listen to different music and respond actively to the familiar songs. As movement is a necessity for an infant or a toddler for making them able to learn, and music stimulates the best movement (Campbell, p. 102), therefore, music no doubt has a great impact of learning capabilities.

Results of Various Researches

In many cultures, People rarely consider that music can play any role for improvement of cognitive or learning skills of the children. Majority of people never consider that studying music or art subjects have effects on the development of brain (Wilson K.T., 2007, pp.3). This is one of the reasons, that why music is not a compulsory subject in most schools. In this section, we will discuss the scientific theories and results of research, proving that music has a great impact on children's cognitive capability.

Research has shown that music plays a vital role in developing the cognitive skills of the children. The music activates the entire system of the person by stimulating the brain, emotions, and the body simultaneously. If music is used in a constructive way, it can have positive effects on a child's learning capabilities. Music holds various constituents for the developing mind of children, which helps in the development of skills for speech, expression and movement

A child's early years are a crucial period for exposure to the arts. (Flohr J. W., et. al, 2000, pp.29). According to the findings of the latest research, at the time of birth, the brain development is ...
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