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Museum Report

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Museum Report

Museum Report


The Last Supper by Leonardo DA Vinci is absolutely one of the most important art works of all time, both for its innovation and for the impact it had on artists of all ages, from Warhol to contemporary. Leonardo is the most dramatic moment of the Gospel when Christ announces the betrayal of one of the apostles, "Truly I tell you one of you shall betray me." It is a scene around the troubled property consists of the core figure of Jesus, which refers to Christ the Judge of Judgment. Converge the apostles around him arranged in groups of three, according to the different reactions to Christ's words: demand, scandal, fear, emotion, "the movements of the soul." Also, note how the movements of the apostles are more frantic towards the center of the table and toward more peaceful ends. This is because, as in reality words heard with more difficulty as the distance increases. According to acoustic laws that Leonardo studied in those years: "The closer the better will not even hear further." The whole scene illuminated by a cold, clear light that reveals in analytical details of the scene, highly refined: the food, dishes, glasses, transparent glass, the same folds of the cloth that create stunning still life.


The painting is enormous, measuring more than eight meters in width. The space of the dining hall opens at a certain height and across its width with an illusion of perspective, as an opening for the eyes to the real room in the upper room. In parallel to the wall, extending the table, behind which sit all the apostles with Jesus Only two of them are in the two short pieces of the table. The table and the apostles are just their place in this environment of imaginative ...
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