Museum Exhibit

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Museum Exhibit


Art has a very broad perspective and to describe art is an art of its own. Art has been a passion for me. Ever since, I was a toddler, colors, patterns and objects fascinated me. Growing up, in middle school and high school, when people stress upon choosing the perfect outfit for prom or trying out for being the team captain to a sport or becoming a cheerleader, I spend most of the time in dwelling in the library, going through various books on art, studying the many great artist who have highlighted taboo subjects and normal scenarios in beautiful paintings and sketching. The passion for art took a twist when I started taking an interest in making unique structures through different natural materials.

There are a lot of reasons why a person gets fascinated to art because there are numerous possibilities and various aspects one van follow in the field of art. However, some can have the fascination in making structures from sand, ice, leaves, trees, stones, and various other natural resources. We came across various examples in the class along with exploring the movie; Rivers and Tides, and the different arguments during the lectures.


Art is originally a cult phenomenon, which can be used simultaneously or in connection with prehistoric cults or religions developed. Painting and sculpture as well as music and dance come early as the Paleolithic period in appearance. Among the earliest examples of art include the 40,000-year-old ivory figures from the Lone valley, the flutes of the cave paintings of the Chauvet cave. Historically, the arts of their contribution have been developed to the material organization of cults and rituals. In the early days of human development is the emergence of art one of several indicators for the formation of consciousness and human thought. Art in this context means an operation or representations (such as music, painting) that have no direct benefit to the preservation of life show. In today's primitive peoples can be an early feature of cult forms of artistic expression as well as a study anthropological constant: the need (is) to decorate, located in the ornament has been established first. Also discussed are social functions of artistically designed and ornamental artifacts such as bracelets, brooches, weapons, etc. in the clan societies of prehistory and early history. This art functions since ancient times as Distinktionsmerkmal, as discussed by the recent art theory and sociology. Anthropological art production marked about 40,000 years ago (in the Aurignacian) the transition from Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens intellect. Because the history is by definition a non-writing period, there are no traditions of a contemporary concept of art.

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a well-known artist, born on October 25, 1881, in a small Spanish city, Malaga. His father Don Jose Ruiz was also an artist and his parents came from an aristocratic family. His father was a teacher in the nearby art school. Picasso would later on recall that his father was master at simple and commonplace artistic ...
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