Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal Disorders


Case study: A 15 year old teenage boy presents with knee pain that has been going on for 3-4 days. He thinks he may have hurt it while playing basketball but does not remember any direct trauma. He has some swelling around the inferior portion of the patella, yet full range of motion of the knee, and it appears stable.

To find out what happened to this boy and what might be the cause of pain, let's have a look at some basics


The lower limb consists of the longest bones in the human body, along with joints and muscles connected with ligaments and tendons. It is one of the most important parts in the human body. Its basic function is to support as well as provide motion to the organism, particularly speaking; humans. While it may not feel, but a lot of biochemical and physical processes are taking place while motion and sometimes due to some physical trauma or usually due to aging, a range of problems arise that need to be addressed as soon as possible to avoid immobility.

Subject is a young boy who is in his teens and actively involved in physical activities. Due to lack of attention regarding proper warm-up or cool-down after exercise or other physical activity or possibly due to incorrect sports attire, the pain in his knee came up. The knee is a highly stressed joint of the human body, and while it can withstand a lot of pressure, a sudden jerk or impact can affect its functioning resulting in pain, swelling sometimes fractures are reported as well. Following are the three possibilities that might help narrow down diagnoses related to the subject at present:

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