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There are many students who believe that multitasking allows them to manage their school work and their social life in an effective manner. However, the other people believe that doing more than one task at one time which is also known as multitasking results in inefficiency. This essay argues the two positions.


Multitasking encourages many modern technology devices, therefore, it is considered as effective by the students studying in colleges, however, multitasking also effects the efficiency of the students in a negative manner. During the lectures, the students may note the important points in their laptops; however, during this they also send instant messages which negatively affect their brain power. Therefore, it can be said that multitasking can be done for something which is not important, and so it must not be done during the lectures in the class rooms. When the teacher is giving the lecture, and a student takes notes simultaneously, the level of concentration reduces and the student is unable to fully concentrate on what the teacher has to say. The information that is provided by the teachers is from their own experience and it is not available anywhere neither in the books. Therefore, it is extremely important to concentrate and grasp the information that is being communicated by the teacher (Crenshaw, pp. 50).

Many studies support my idea, and here I will quote a study written in New York Magazine by Sam Anderson in which he has said that while doing two tasks at one time, and switching to and froth to one another, the mental efficiency of an individual reduces every time we switch to the other task. Therefore, while listening to the teacher and taking notes, the student looses efficiency.

One more study was conducted at Stanford University, and students who opted for multitasking were examined. Students were examined by the researcher by letting them take a switching type of test to see how much they focused on it. The result of which was negative, and this was because the students lost focus since they were unable to concentrate on the test. Professor Clifford Nass was afraid that the technologies will create people who will not think clearly, and this is because multitasking does not enable the individuals to filter irrelevant things with respect to their goals. This is the reason why their efficiency reduces because they are unable to filter irrelevant information (Gorlick, pp.1).

Time Management

People require organizing time competently in order to be successful. Better time administration abilities can advance your degrees, assist you hold tension in ascertain, and assist you be comparable in the vocation you attempt next your school or university education. Time administration schemes often go incorrect because they the anticipations of them are too unrealistic. Some persons do not start a time administration scheme until they are currently dropping behind in their work. They take on time administration as a way of catching up. They try to pack all of their work into a time span that is too ...
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