The paper discusses the organizational structure of MTN Swaziland; the major focus has been on the organizational concept s including the culture, marketing, and finance. The study gives an insight into the MTN Swaziland's organizational changes and the strategy that it has been following. The last section discusses the personal decision malign and the leadership skills required for an effective management.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction4
Definition of the Functional Unit5
Chapter 2: Planning5
Sources and People5
Data Collection Procedure6
Time Line for Activities6
Difficulties in Data Collection7
The Execution7
Chapter 3: Organizational Structure and Culture7
Mintzberg Definition of Organizational Structure7
Mintzberg Configuration and MTN Swaziland10
Design Parameters12
Organizational Culture12
Strong Culture12
Hendy's Typology of Culture13
Deal and Kennedy Typologies14
Preference for the Cultural Type14
Environmental Factors and Organization's Culture14
Chapter 4: Analysis of the Functional Units and Interface Relations16
Human Resources Management16
Recruitment, Selection and Analysis16
Results and Analysis17
Marketing and Strategic Management18
SWOT Analysis18
Analysis of the marketing mix19
Operations Management22
Financial Management23
Analysis of ICT24
Management and Leadership25
Areas for growth26
Plan for Improvement26
Decision-Making and Creativity27
Interpersonal Skills28
MTN Swaziland
Chapter 1: Introduction
Organizational culture is the set of values, beliefs and important understandings that members of an organization have in common. Culture provides definite forms of thought, feeling and reaction that guide decision-making and other activities of the participants in the organization. The apparently successful organizations have strong cultures that attract, retain and reward people for playing roles and meet goals (Dilworth,1992,6-11). One of the most important roles of senior management is to shape the culture, personality, have a significant impact on the philosophy and management style. The philosophy of a person offers guidelines for behavior (Black, 2003, 21-39). The style refers to how something is done. The management style is the different way in which an administrator performs. This definition suggests that culture plays important roles in the organization. Cultural artifacts, including the design and management style, convey values ??and philosophies, members socialize, motivate staff and facilitate group cohesion and commitment to relevant goals. (Dilworth, 1992, 6-11)
Another perspective emphasizes how culture affects behavior. "The organizational culture is a shared value system (which is important) and beliefs (how things work) that interact with people, organizational structures and control systems of a company to produce behavioral norms (as do things here). " (Hruzová, 1999, 34-41)
MTN Swaziland is the leader in the telecom sector in Swaziland. It communicates very often through advertising; however the brand is highly visible. It has fewer brands known other than the corporate brand MTN. the company provides the mobile services and spot second in the list that can be attributed to its communication. The MTN brand is highly visible and the communication contributes in ensuring that the brand continues with the high visibility.
MTN offers telecommunications services in more than 20 countries. Since 1998, MTN Swaziland has been the only mobile telephone company in Swaziland. Today it has more than 800,000 subscribers, 98% of who use prepaid services. The only other operator in the country is the fixed line incumbent - Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC).
Definition of the Functional Unit
The functional unit according to MTN refers to grouping of individual in terms of the function that ...