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Movie Review Of “For A Few Pennies More”

Movie Review

Thesis Statement

In the movie “For a few pennies more”, Kamidi lived on the slopes of Mount Merapi, one of Java's most active and dangerous volcanoes.


Kamidi three feet high, and has been with cretinism: low hairline, eye swelling, growth retardation - iodine deficiency-related stories are told with the signs. But more common is the goiter - thyroid gland in the neck, iodine starvation, growth and growth in the effort to capture more of the blood from the patient's iodine (Caldwell, John, 1993).


For a Few Pennies More: Analytical Essay

20 years ago, Indonesia's endocrinologist, who injected a large amount of iodine in with the surrounding areas into the oil. Kamidi is one of his patients. Within weeks, he began to feel more dynamic. Finally, he even married - to another idiot who is willing to inject oil and iodine treatment. They have a normal child, Rame. Now University of Chemistry, Rame recalls, "When I was a kid, I used to dream of inventing cure or treatment, so my father normal" (Caldwell, John, 1993). His enthusiasm to ensure that other Indonesians do not suffer the same fate. Worldwide, 20 million people threatened by iodine deficiency. In addition to the typical symptoms of goiter and cretinism, it also led to the stillbirth and infant weight, and - less obvious, but even in the long run fatal - to reduce the patient's IQ. World Bank estimates suggest that 5% of global GDP due to the lack of micronutrients such as iodine deficiency and loss (Caldwell, John, 1993).

Britain insisted a mixed economy: art, as some commentators believe that this is unthinkable, should be privatized or nationalized. Too deeply rooted in our system roots. In fact, many arts managers also acknowledged that "one foot", the two camps ...
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