Movie Review

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Movie Review

Movie Review

The relationships are first and foremost that everyone depends on Jake for income as the sole bread winner. There is the husband wife relationship that is very classical in that Jake holds the power and Marjorie is again submissive and passive to her husband's expectations of her role as a wife. Jake and Marjorie are both dependant on each other for the love and support of one another, as well as for the team effort it takes to raise their children.

The father daughter relationship with Lisa is one of passivity; it seems that Jake thinks that Lisa is old enough to know and do what's right, and since she isn't the smartest apple on the tree Jake seems to have very little expectations for her future other that she marry right, have children, etc. There isn't much of a interdependent relationship between Jake and Lisa that I've been able to gather in any of the times I've viewed this movie, other than the idea that Lisa expects for Jake to be their as her "daddy" for whatever she need him for.

As for the relationship between Jake and Baby, Jake holds high standards for Baby to go to college, expects and believes that she can/could never do anything wrong, and believes that someday she will be his little girl who will "change the world." Baby's dependency on her father seems to basically revolve around the idea of trust and approval. Since she is daddy's little girl she can never do wrong, or at least isn't supposed to. Baby needs her father to trust her when she asks for the $250.00 for Penny, she also needs her father's trust and approval for the dancing that she is doing with Johnny, and without this "blessing" from her father she seems to be one who would believe that she is a failure and a disappointment to her father and family.

The mother daughter relationships in the movie are pretty universal in that Marjorie doesn't ever favor one daughter over the other, and for that matter really doesn't have a whole lot of one on one interaction with either daughter throughout the movie. It is clear that Marjorie cares for her daughters and is there for them if and when they need her, but for the most part Marjorie basically goes along with whatever ideals, and standards her father sets for her. The sister, sister relationship is one of both conflict and caring. At the beginning of the movie Lisa has jealousies of Baby because she is daddy's perfect little girl, whom he has high hopes of being something special, but the incident with Penny changes this and then Lisa becomes the focus of daddy's love.

Ultimately as the movie goes on and Jake finds out more and more about what Baby has been up to his love changes focus again, but this time its focus seems to equalize between the girls having now realized that they both have their strengths and ...
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