Movement Patten In Running

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Movement Patten in Running

Movement Patten in Running


In order to specify the human body movement in sports and other activities including exercise, it is required to use a suitable scientific terminology. In everyday language, terms like raising arms and bending knees are acceptable but while communicating with sports practitioners, this term is ambiguous. There are different terms that can be used for defining three mutually perpendicular intersecting planes in which many of the joint movements are occurred. For these three planes, the common point of intersection is most conveniently defined as the center of the mass of the whole human body or the center of the joint being studied. In further case, these planes refer to as frontal or horizontal planes, cardinal planes and the sagittal planes.

Mainly the movements at the joints of human musculoskeletal system are rotational and they occur about a line perpendicular to the plane. This line is called the axis of rotation. The intersection of pair of planes defines the three axes namely the frontal, the vertical axis, and the saggital axis. Extension and flexon are the main movements about the three axes for a specific joint, lateral and medial for the rotation about the longitudinal axes and adduction and abduction are about the saggital axis. The plane that passes from the rear to the front is the sagittal plane which is actually a vertical plane and divides the body into right and left halves. It is also called anteroposterior plane (Fujii, and Hubbard, 2002).


Most of the sport and exercise activities are occurred in this place. These activities are mostly two-dimensional such as long jumping and running. The frontal plane also passes from left to right. It is a vertical plane which divides the body into anterior halves and posterior. It is often called mediolateral and coronal plane. The body is divided into two parts halves i.e. superior and inferior. This is done by horizontal plane. It is also called transverse plane. The sagittal axis is formed by the intersection of the horizontal and sagittal planes and it passes from posterior to anterior. The frontal axis is formed by the intersection of the horizontal and frontal planes and passes horizontally from left to right. When a person bends his elbow and then straightens it then the movements occurred is called extension and flexion and they are occurred around the frontal axis of rotation in the sagittal plane. In case of the elbow, when the forearm moves forwards, flexion is a bending movement with the body part (Yeadon, and Brewin, 2003).

The calf moves backwards when the knee flexes. Plantar flexion are the movements that occur at the ankle joint with then downward movement of the rear of the calf and when the foot moves downwards towards the rear of the calf then it is dorsification. Flexion is the movement of the whole arm from the anatomical reference position about the shoulder joint its return to that position is called extension. Beyond the anatomical reference position, the continuation of ...
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