Mountain Bank

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Mountain Bank

Mountain Bank

1.Strategies to be implemented by Mountain Bank to achieve competitive advantage

It is important to retain or achieve a competitive position in the market place as without competitive advantage the organization will be vulnerable to its competitors. One move made by the competitor then it is all gone. The real hint to use which strategic approach in Mountain Bank is the low paying, entry stage teller position. The turnover rate of the usual part time workers is very high. One other thing beside it was that the tellers who get successful get promoted to the customer service job. Mountain Bank should consider using a business level strategic approach which tells that how a company will contend with various other companies that render same services and goods. One comprehensive strategy is to use cost leadership strategic approach. Mountain Bank if use this strategy can endeavor to produce services and goods at the minimum potential cost. The significant success factor for organization following this strategy is to have employees who are efficient when compared to employees of various other organizations (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 2002).

Differentiation is one of the other business level competitive strategies. Firms that use differentiation strategy endeavor to create services and goods that are somewhat better than what is created by the rival firms. Mountain bank can use differentiation strategy by making its products and services unique for its customers. This differentiation strategy will make customers believe that the product that they are getting is worth the money they are paying.

2.Practices recommended for Mountain Bank with respect to its tellers

Mountain Bank has to implement a plan to slow down the turnover rate of tellers. After a while, tellers want more responsibility along with room for growth and development. Tellers due to their vast knowledge and interaction with front-line customers, they are the primary contact person in regards to customer service retention efforts. Mountain Bank's tellers have the capability to extend the customers services and products. Two of the basic human resource approaches which aims at distinguishing set of practices that are helpful to all firms are universalistic approach and commitment strategy. The Universalistic Approach looks to discover the most dependable practices for all firms to adopt. Universalistic research's significant finding is that human resource practices are most efficient when they are clustered jointly into internally coherent clusters. Activities in the commitment strategy convey the theme that management has concerns about their employees. The commitment strategy makes sure that employers take part in training and liberty to engage in essential job tasks. A successful organization must realize in order to be competitive; they must mold their employees into competent workers that cannot be duplicated. Management can used this same train of thought when approaching the teller role.

The employer must encourage employees to fill certain roles and horn their skills and capabilities. The company should invest in the tellers more and let them know they are a valuable part of the organization. Even though, both approaches are not contradictory but ...
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