Motorcycles Are Better Than Cars

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Motorcycles are Better than Cars

Since our childhood, we are led to accept or believe that cars are better and safer vehicles than motorcycles. However, this perception has been created by the people who are directly or indirectly belongs to the cars industry for their monetary purposes. Now time has come that we should evaluate the benefits of motorbikes over cars.

Gas Mileage

According to Allstate Insurance, the average motorcycle rider reports fuel consumption of just over 56 miles per gallon. Some motorcycles can actually get more than 100 miles per gallon! Automobile drivers, on the other hand, report an average of 22.4 miles per gallon. According to U.S. government statistics, in 2010 the average new passenger car got 33.7 miles per gallon. So clearly, motorcycles have substantially better gas mileage than do cars.

The Price of Cars and Motorcycles

According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, the average price of a new car in the United States in 2010 was about $28,400. The Wallstreet Journal reported in 2010 that the average price of a motorcycle was about $12,304. So on average, a motorcycle is less than half the price of a car. And compared to a 2011 Mercedes-Benz CL-Class automobile, which carries an MSRP of $110,400, motorcycles are a lot cheaper.

Increased Mental Awareness

Tokyo University in Japan published a study that shows that for men between the ages of 40 and 50, cognitive functioning improved after riding a motorcycle on a daily basis for two months. The study compared results with a control group of men in the same age range who didn't ride motorcycles. Researchers attribute the results to the notion that motorcycle riders require a high level of awareness, which stimulates the brain to stay alert(McCracken, 88-92). Here are some additional advantages to riding a motorcycle:

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