Motor Skills

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Motor skills

Motor skills - the ability to implement this or that movement without conscious control over them, formed in the training. During training, the individual creates a conceptual model of the motion, which integrates knowledge of the performed motor task, the means and methods for its solution, and the image of the specific situations in which the motion. Based on these elements within the movement actualization already spent motor skills relevant to the motor task. Moreover the configuration of the system of perception, and forms a complex of expected afferent, thereby increasing the sensitivity to certain elements of the external and internal environment. With the development of motor field in a particular solution of a motor task is to relate this decision with the signs of the situation.

To start working off the movement is characterized by heightened sensitivity to the nuances of afferent traffic; with a gradual filling of motor memory motor exhaust components is the reduction of the content of the situation and movements in which there are only the most significant landmarks. Perception of movement at the stage of automation becomes more generalized and collapsed. At the stage of training, which follows the stage of automation, is the linking of elements within the movement between themselves and the system of actual coordination. This process of formation of motor skill completes its standardization, which performed the action takes a permanent form, and stabilized, at which the motion becomes stable with respect to internal and external obstacles.

Difference between the major motor skills and fine motor skills

Means motor skill movement muscles of the body. Of major motor skills, the broader movements such as the movement arm or leg muscles, and foot or body movement as a whole. It also includes activities such as crawling, running and jumping. The fine motor skills are smaller activities such as pick up objects between thumb and finger or the use of toe to play with sand or the lips and tongue to feel and taste things. And develop large motor skills in parallel with the development of skills minute because many activities depend on coordination between the two types of these skills. When your baby is the third month, you can see it has his hands to his chest (big motor skill) when you put him on the back, then plays with his hands (skill mobility minutes). And when he reaches 18 months of age, will need in the game installation to large motor skills to be able to keep the body stable to pick up boxes very well and also resort to fine motor skills to turn the squares or rolled to be placed in the appropriate hole.

You can encourage a child to develop large motor skills and accurate control over the way he uses his fingers and his arms and legs and then provide opportunities for him to use his body in similar ways, and different games or different Bodaiat slightly more difficult. Active involvement is what makes your child grows a ...
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