Motivational Problem At Workplace

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Motivational problem at Workplace

Motivational problem at Workplace


Motivational problem at the workplace has been a fundamental problem both for the employees and managers. Non- motivation towards work hinders employees to produce quality work and more productivity. They tend to pass their time in the organization and show meager or no efforts or endeavors towards their jobs. They are likely to evade the workplace so far. On the contrary, the motivated employees seek to produce high quality work and are inclined to be more creative and persistent in their jobs. A lot of research has been done by the researchers to assess the behavior of people at their workplace that why at one organization, some employees are more motivated and perform better than the others. One of the possible answers could be that every employee has his own way of become motivated on the basis of his needs and wants. Motivation is diverse and individual.


Problem Situation

I have never thought of that someday I have to deal with motivational issue at my workplace. I love to do my job and I am a strong follower of this statement that “love your work or leave it”. But suddenly, the idea of going to my job was not an exciting one. The absenteeism rate also increases and my work quality has also been declined. Though I did not understand then that I was going through the phase of non- motivation towards my work.

I was working as an intern in the marketing department of an IT company. Though I was an intern there but my ideas were more welcomed and appreciated by my supervisor and my immediate boss. When I come up with new marketing ideas, my boss shared it with other employees and recognized my creative potential and brainstorming endeavors and efforts. His ...
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