Motivational Problem

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Motivational Problem

Motivational Problem


Motivation can be explained as the driving force behind all activities of individuals within the organization. In terms of psychology, the general definition suggests the intention and persistent determination, often summarized as tenacity, which a person has in terms of achieving their goals and targets. What this drive does is help us align ourselves and mould our surroundings in terms of making greater amends in the name of goal achievement and help us undertake greater objectives in life (Grint, 2000).

Motivation Problem Statement

In this paper, we are discussing the problems which arise when training in military. Since, military persons have tough targets to achieve and they require a lot of motivation. The military problem identified here can be described, as the course of time for the military personnel is less so the task, which are to, be achieved are not properly delivered by the military officer who is leading a team.

Problem explained according to theory

This problem can be related to the Victor Vroom Expectancy theory, which describes the purpose and objectives of identifying expectations that arise from needs and the accounts of fulfilling them. Similarly, in military expectancy suggests that the perception of an individual regarding their assigned tasks and duties that whether or not they can properly make effective use of their traits and ultimately 'get the job done'. When a person is aware of the needs that they have, people have set certain benchmarks and standards that will help mark and identify the fulfillment and satisfaction of their needs (Kinicki, 2009)..

There are a number of expectancy perceptions that root from military employees thinking patterns. These include (i) the level of confidence required for performing assigned tasks, (ii) the amount of support that is being extended from superiors, subordinates and coordinates, (iii) the amount of material, support ...
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