Motivational Factors

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Motivational factors



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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In this study I try to explore the concept of motivation in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on motivation and its relation with interest of employees in the job. The research analyzes many aspects of motivational factors in an organization and tries to gauge its effect on employees' performance. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for motivation in an organization and tries to describe the overall effect of motivation.

Table of Contents




Table of Contentsv

Chapter 1: Introduction1

Research statement1

Research aims and objectives1

Significance of study2

Limitations of the study3

Chapter 2: Literature Review4


Motivation at work5

Theories of motivations:6

Motivational factors8

Motivational factors in detail9

Chapter 3: Methodology17

Research strategy17

Mixed Research17

Literature selection criteria18

Keywords used18

Research instrument19


Chapter 4: Results, Discussion and Analysis20




Implication of Maslow's theory24

Impact of motivational factors25

Chapter 5: Conclusion27



Chapter 1: Introduction

Many firms stress the importance of human resources for their success, but very few seem to be successful at developing the potential of their work-force and using human assets as part of their strategy. One of the main ambitions of operating a business is to earn profit and to earn profit the most crucial factor is of performance of employees. In order to conduct the business successfully it is imperative that all the employees of the organization perform at their best. There are certain factors that can escalate performance of employees. One of these factors is motivation. Factor of motivation is indispensable for the performance of employees. This research paper revolves around the same phenomenon of motivation. The core purpose of this research is to explore factors that motivate employees in an organization.

Research statement

There are different motivational factors that managers of an organization use to motivate employees. The aim of this research is to reveal all the factors that the management uses to motivate its employees.

Research aims and objectives

Every research process aims to answer few questions. Similarly, this research aims to provide in depth view about the selected topic. This research renders detailed knowledge and information about following topics:

To provide a detailed information regarding motivation.

To highlight different motivational factors.

To discuss why, how and when of implication of motivational factors.

To describe overall view of different motivational theories.

To mention different components those affect the implication of motivational factors.

To discourse benefits that an organization can get from the implication.

Significance of study

The main reason behind choosing this topic is curiosity to know how an organization motivates its employees. In today's recessionary period, organizations are reducing cost by reducing number of employees. Employees who survive downsizing have burden of work load on them. There must be some factors that motivate ...
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