Motivation, Stress And Communication

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Motivation, Stress and Communication

Motivation, Stress and Communication

Job Description

Manager Research

Inspiring management and effective communication skills

He or she must be able to encounter on-floor pressures

Maintain healthy working environment within the management

Must have qualities that motivate employees to improve performances

Must be able to accomplish desired goals for the organization

Capability to smoothly handle overall functions within the organization

Must be able to provide clear vision to the organization for the future

He or she must create new ideas and better policies to increase productivity

Must study competitors in the business and formulate strategies accordingly

Goal Setting as Motivation to Perform

When anyone sets goals, he or she performs better. It's always useful and fruitful to set goals before doing anything. It is anyone's willingness that motivates to achieve the set of particular targets or goals. This is probably the best way to motivate performance. Motivation in workplace is that psychological phenomenon that promotes any individual to perform an action for attaining a task.

Setting Goals

There are several studies that have proven that working under tight deadlines and increased pressures give any organization better results due to more focus of the employees and increased efforts. Therefore, my focus will be on setting difficult and specific goals for the organization and its employees. This will result in more result-oriented focus on part of the employees. This will also give employees satisfaction that they have accomplished a tough and huge goal under the given deadline (Ryan, 2012).

Setting up goals always helps and is a very practical approach. Suppose, if there is an organization and there are no goals for its employees and different departments and even to compete with competitors in the market, there will not be any competition within the organization, among its employees or departments and nor there will be any motivation to work. It's just as simple as that anyone is working but he or she doesn't know that for what and why they are doing the efforts.

Moreover, to push my employees more towards achieving these specific goals and to perform better, it will be my responsibility as well to motivate them because when they are working hard to meet the organizational goals, they need encouragement in return as well. Employees in any organization become more committed to achieve their targets when they get feedbacks. It gives them oxygen to continue and most importantly with feedback employees can calculate their performances and get an opportunity to improve them. My timely feedback will ensure that the employees are committed for the future goals as well.

There is another factor which determines how well setting up goals to motivate performances in any organization can work and this is when the purpose of goal is unclear. This can sound little unpractical but it's true. For instance, I am holding a departmental discussion and briefing my employees about an upcoming high-level meeting with an international delegation for a future contract with their company. If I will share with them that with this contract our company will be able to get a ...
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