Motivation In L2 Acquisition

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Motivation Plays an Essential Role in Adult L2 Acquisition

Motivation Plays an Essential Role in Adult L2 Acquisition


Language learning involves a number of important factors, such as cognitive, social, and cultural factors, which affect the process of language learning. Ortega defines second language acquisition as the field in both “naturalistic and instructed context” (Ortega, 2009, p.6). According to Lantolf, language learning is a process which affects the language learning environment and is affected by the environment (Lantolf, 2000, p.254). Language learning is the process of communication and interaction with each other, language cannot be learned in isolation. Therefore, it required a number of positive measures in order to understand he reasons that motivate person for language learning, as well as it is also associated with the understanding of the social and cultural context and its influence on the second language learner at adult stage. Apart from the social, cultural and economic factors, Second language acquisition also depends on the age of learner.

Language acquisition is the natural process, which begins at the early stage of child development. It involves natural phenomenon of language acquisition with the cognitive development of a child. After first language acquisition if person learn another language in adult age, it becomes difficult to him to have the same command on the second language. Unlike L1 acquisition that occurs in natural environment with the cognitive development, L2 learning is very lengthy process and students usually become hopeless and frustrated with their progress. For this reason, support and motivation play a very important role in L2 acquisition.

Thesis Statement

Various researches have proved that motivation play a major role in for the L2 acquisition in adults.


According to Griffiths, there are a number of various factors, which assists in L2 acquisition in adults, “In addition to maturational, socio-affective, cognitive, and situational explanations for aged-related differences in language learning, there is a potentially almost infinite number of variable...which...affect a student's ability to learn language”. Griffiths identified a number of this variable such as “gender, culture, personality, learning style, attitudes, beliefs...” and most important is “motivation” (Griffiths, 2008, p.40). Griffiths identified a number of motivational factors that affect an individual's performance.

(Griffiths, 2008, p.41)

There are a number of linguist who considered motivation as one of the major and most influential factor in the achievement of language acquisition. It is therefore considered as most effective tool that can be use to increase the learning outcome of L2 learners. One of the most important and remarkable study conducted by Gardner (2010) for learning French as a second language, he clearly highlighted the fact that motivation is the “major effective determinant of achievement” in second language acquisition (Gardner, 2010, p.47). According to him modern researches and studies in the field of linguistics and importance of motivation in language learning started in nineteenth century (Gardner, 2010, p.47). It was the beginning for the understanding of role of social psychology in the language learning. Motivation is the most important measure to facilitate the ...
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