Motivation At Norsk Petroleum

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Motivation at Norsk Petroleum

Motivation at Norsk Petroleum


The following paper is based on a case study 'Motivation at Norsk Petroleum'. The study revolves around three different characters, first is Lisa Bohm, who is the director of human resource, second is the Elizabeth Perdersen, who is the petroleum engineer and the third one is the Ola Rennemo. The study is about the motivation of the employees as both the employees Elizabeth and Ola leaving the job, therefore, based on the situation, different questions were highlighted and their answers are given in the below description.

Elizabeth Pedersen's and Ola Rennemo's work motivation

Based on the three different theories, the motivation of Elizabeth and Ola has been defined but before going into to detail, for the better understanding of the readers, the motivational theories need to address.

Maslow hierarchy of needs motivational model

It has been observed that a human being is mainly motivated by needs, once the needs are fulfilled than the level of motivation will not be the same. There are certain needs that are inborn, therefore, Maslow was of the idea that one must satisfy the need starting from the first, and in this case, the most important need is the survival (Fig 1). Moving downwards, when physical and emotional well-being needs are satisfied, a person towards achieving a higher order of needs, which include influence and personal development.

Considering the Maslow's theory from Elizabeth and Ola perspective, both of them have a clear right to move on because all of their lower level needs were satisfied and to progress in life, they need to move towards achieving a higher order of needs, which include influence and personal development (Personality & Spirituality, 2013). As it mentioned in the case that Elizabeth resigning because a new firm giving him more responsibilities, which according to him would be beneficial for personal development and Ola is resigning to meet the lower level needs. As Ola is a technician, therefore, the needs are of the lower level like Ola resigning because the new company closer to home and thus travelling will be reduced. Therefore, Ola fulfilling the physical and emotional need, which is also justifiable.

Herzberg Motivational Theory

Herzberg motivational theory is also known as a two factor theory. Herzberg analyzed the job attitudes of almost two hundred different engineers and accountants, who were asked to recall the situations when the felt positive or negative on the job. Therefore, based on the results that generated from the research, two different factors were generated, first is the hygiene factor and the other is motivator factor.

Hygiene is the factors that are linked with need to avoid unpleasant events at the job. Thus, if these factors are not properly addressed at the job, than it would possibly cause dissatisfaction at job. Following are the different hygiene factors;

Administration and company policy

Financial remuneration, salary and wages

Supervision quality

Possible job security

Appropriate working conditions (Riley, 2012).

Based on these factors, it could be said that all the hygiene factors are strictly followed at Norsk ...