Motivation And Incentives

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Motivation and Incentives

Motivation and Incentives


Non-cognitive theories argue that appraisals and judgments are not a part of emotion process. Motivation is vital to the development of any active activity by the individual and therefore also for the per- not of their duties in the employment context. In this area, companies work as to motivate their employees to invest effort and interest in carrying out their work (Mullins, 2005).

Discussion and Analysis

Most adults in Europe are a part of the workforce. It is important for people to have a good balance between work and their personal lives. Unless a person is a telecommuter, taking work home is not a brilliant idea. Therefore, there should be a clear separation of work and home life. People need motivation both in their personal lives and at work, since a lack of motivation in life can lead to depression and in the workplace, which led to reduce the work performance.

The reinforcement theory ignores the thought processes that determine behavior. As a result, in isolation determines the outcome of the behavior and considers that the objective is to strengthen positive attributes and characteristics of behavior. Reinforcement theory can be seen as manipulative and dogmatic.

Much of the reinforcement theory is based on the evaluation of the environment and the reaction of an individual to him (effect). In this sense, as positive consequences are likely to be repeated to a greater extent than negative.

Reinforcement theory is not making the internal state and individuals, only focuses on what happens when the individual performs some action. While this theory is not, strictly speaking, a theory of motivation, it does provide a great tool of analysis about what controls the behavior. Why cannot ignore the fact that the reinforcement has a wide application as a motivational tool, not yet take into account feelings, attitudes, expectations and other cognitive variables that impact behavior. First of all it is quite important for any organizations to conduct necessary training programs for the employees in the organization.

Reinforcement Theory

It is a behavioral approach which argues that reinforcements condition the behavior, ie an administrator who encourages their employees to encourage desired behaviors, ie that reward productivity, high performance and commitment, and to discourage unwanted behaviors such as absenteeism, impaired performance and inefficiencies (Cameron, 2009).

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement involves rigging or desired outcome behavior with rewards or feedback, for example: a person who works selling shoes get 10% for each pair of shoes sold, the desired behavior: the sale of shoes, goes hand in hand with economic reward . This feedback shapes the behavior it encourages the behavior reinforced or rewarded to repeat. If the behavior is not what you want a superior or a client, the reinforcements that result in repeated and successive approximations to desired behavior may cause the actual behavior is closer to the desired behavior.

Positive reinforcement refers to increasing the frequency of behavior by following the behavior with a pleasant consequence. Negative reinforcement increases the frequency of behavior by removing something aversive after the behavior ...
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