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In this study we try to explore the concept of motivation in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on motivation and its relation with employees. The research also analyzes many aspects of motivation and tries to gauge its effect on employees. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for motivation and tries to describe the overall effect of motivation on employees.



The relationship between the organization and its members is governed by what motivates them to work and the fulfillment they derived from it. The managers needs to know how best to elicit the co-operation of staff and direct their performance to achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. The managers must understand the nature of human behavior and how best to motivate staff so that they work willingly and effectively.

The basic needs model, referred to as content theory of motivation, highlights the specific factors that motivate an individual. Although these factors are found within an individual, things outside the individual can affect him or her as well. (Robins 1993)

In short, all people have needs that they want satisfied. Some are primary needs, such as those for food, sleep, and water—needs that deal with the physical aspects of behavior and are considered unlearned. These needs are biological in nature and relatively stable. Their influences on behavior are usually obvious and hence easy to identify. (Vroom 1964)

Secondary needs, on the other hand, are psychological, which means that they are learned primarily through experience. These needs vary significantly by culture and by individual. Secondary needs consist of internal states, such as the desire for power, achievement, and love. Identifying and interpreting these needs is more difficult because they are demonstrated in a variety of ways. Secondary needs are responsible for most of the behavior that a supervisor is concerned with and for the rewards a person seeks in an organization. (Baumeister 2004)

The Meaning Of Motivation

The study of motivation is concerned, with why people behave in a certain way. The basic underlying question is `why do people do what they do? In general terms, motivation can be described as the direction and persistence of action. It is also concerned with why people choose a particular course of action in preference to others, and why they continue with a chosen action, often over a long period, and in the face of difficulties and problems.

From a review of motivation theory, Mitchell identifies four common characteristics, which underline the definition of motivation. (Cole, 1996)

Motivation is typified as an individual phenomenon: Every person is unique and all the major theories of motivation allow for this uniqueness to be demonstrated in one-way or another.

Motivation is described, usually, as international: Motivation is assumed to be under the worker's control, and behaviors that are influenced by motivation, such as effort expended, are seen as choice of action. (Carver 2001)

Motivation is multifaceted: The two factors of greatest importance: a) what gets people activated and b) the force of an individual to engage in desired behavior (direction ...
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