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Preliminary Literature Review


The main motive of a literature review is to explicate and analyze the relevant investigation which has been published over different internet websites and research articles. It plays an important role to include the previously researched data that has been researched by various scholars and retrieved from various online sources.

Motivation plays a vital role in motivating the employee's success and their failure to enhance their capabilities to increase their morale and increase the productivity for the organization. There are many motivation techniques that can be either in financial or non-financial perspective but a corporate event may enhance the capability of an employee on a very huge perspective. Although, the factors that motivate individuals differ among managers, staff and top executives.

This literature review will investigate over the motivational factors that influence an employee through corporate events conducted by the organization. Finally it will conclude the major corporate events which enhance the knowledge and capabilities of an employee to increase their productivity and build their confidence over the organization's goal.

Corporate event Motivation

Phelps (2013) stated that motivation is an external factor that is dependent over the mindset of an employee and there are many external events that draw motivational emotions towards the accomplishment for their desired task. Many employees find it to be a temporary motivational feeling for their working behaviour because motivation is just viewed as an external event to enhance the capabilities of an employee to work more productively as he/she has been working previously (Phelps, 2013).

McKinsey (2009) says that money is not the only financial motivational factor that is grabbing the attention of an employee but an employee requires more than money as gift, reward or celebrations to get motivated. Corporate events create awareness in the employees, making them motivated in terms of enjoyment and rewarding them for their hard work. These events are either on a small or large scale with an audience to acknowledge their performance or conducting meeting and conferences (McKinsey, 2009).

Challenges for employees

Deci (2001) includes in his study that every individual's motivational factors differ from the other person. For some employees, encouragement and appreciation is the most important factor. However, for others, promotion and financial rewards are important. It depicts that the interpretation of motivational factors differ among individuals. Therefore, organisations need to identify the specific factors that motivate their employees. It is also noticeable from the findings of employee motivation: theory and practice; the motivational system adopted must be tailored to the situation and to the organisation in order for there to be a positive outcome; this is therefore influenced by management of such businesses. Corporate events do play a small role in attaining the employee's attention and their confidence in achieving their goal more easily (Deci, 2001).

The motivation system adopted by an organisation must be customized according to the current motivational level of employees. Many employees are career oriented and prefer to work more affectively by just increasing their leadership skills, and these corporate events do fall in that ...
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