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A critical review of key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organization


“Great scholars say you should do something special to recognize people and should praise them. Compliments cost nothing to you. However, if you come up with something special to accompany, the praise will be a success, "advises Brent Longnecker, president of a consulting firm to employee compensation. Offering flexible working hours and a Friday off from time to time have proven to be the best prizes. With free time, employees can attend to other commitments or enjoy a weekend on a good note. On Monday, they come back to work after resting and are ready to work more eagerly (Farfan, 2013, n.d).  Regardless of the premium you choose to deliver both Longnecker as Moynihan observed that it should be random and occasional. If you start handing out gift cards every week, they become an expectation, not a prize.The following paper discusses the motivational factors in the organizations.





How are employees motivated and how does it affect their performance and the overall organizational performance?2

Motivating employees2

Establish an action plan2

Be creative in setting premiums3

Add a personal touch to the awards3

Provide comfort4

Provide learning opportunities4

Give recognition4

Impact of motivation on organizational performance5

What are the performance measures used?7

Implantation process7

Expected Results9

What are the responses to the performance measures and how can they be improved to bring out the best in employees?10

What do you get when questioning employees?11

Relationship between co-workers11

Set them free11

Employee satisfaction12

Employee assessment and 360 degree feedback evaluation12

Training and career development12

Benefits and employee compensation12

Job security13


Reviews and employee surveys13

Employee satisfaction with regards to the company13

Satisfaction of employees regarding personnel policies13

5 ways to use evaluation and research with employees to achieve their goals14

How to Deploy Performance Evaluation14

Ways of evaluating performance15

Benefits of Performance Evaluation16

Do employees perform better individually or in groups and what's the impact on the organization performance and how can one employee be able to perform better than others.16



Product Development19


Does employees personal needs affect their motivate level?20

Alignment of employee interests/needs with the performance of the company21

Taking interest in employee's career development21

Take interest in creating a work-life balance for the employee21

Listen to the employee concerns21

Recognize jobs22

Reward work22

What are some of the things that demotivate employees and how can they be avoided/ reduced?22

Public criticism22

Failing to praise23

Not following up23

Unachievable goals23

Not sharing company data23

Not honoring creative thinking23

Lack of communication24

No growth / No responsibilities24

Inadequate recognition24

Lack of leadership25

Job insecurity25

Feeling under-valued25





A critical review of key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organization


ASDA Stores Limited is a supermarket chain in the United Kingdom retailing food, clothing, toys, merchandise etc. It is owned by Wal-Mart. The marketing campaigns at ASDA are solely based on price where ASDA portrays itself as the lowest price provider in the market. It has developed several human resource strategies with time to keep its employees motivated and get the best outcomes. ASDA accommodated 150,000 employees and refer to them as colleagues. The company has been featured as the best company to work for. With its increasing marketing efforts and efficient human resource management systems, the company has been able to create ...
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