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Workplace Motivation & its Impact on Employees


The essay will begin with defining what motivation is all about. Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation will be discussed. The famous theory of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is elaborated and well discussed. The journal article on 360 degree feedback is discussed in detail. Things such as what 360 degree feedback are and how should it be implemented and what are its consequences and demerits are discussed. Then finally relations between Maslow's Hierarchy of needs and 360 degree feedback are given and then major points given in conclusion are given in the end.

Table of Content



Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs5

360 Degree feedback & its affect on employees6

Implementation of 360 degree feedback7

A case of small Midwestern Company8

Pros of 360 degree feedback8

Drawback of 360 degree feedback9

Common mistakes9

Maslow's Hierarchy & 360 degree feedback10



Workplace Motivation & its Impact on Employees


Managing people at the workplace has been the center of attraction for managers and supervisors. It's a proven fact that those employees whose motivation levels are low are known to be non serious with their work and will shift to other places if offered the opportunity elsewhere. Thus it becomes highly imperative in such competitive times for firms to retain and motivate their employees to perform at their peak levels.

As all people are unique in some way or the other, thus no single motivation technique will work for all sorts of employees. This is something which employees need to be wary of if they want to generate better productivity from their workers. As per the Webster dictionary motivation is defined as something which arouses an urge of action from someone. Motivate has been associate with motive and motivation has been linked with providing someone with a motive, which causes that person to take an action.

Motivation can be categorized as intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes within the person like the urge of taking pride from doing a great work. On the other hand extrinsic motivation is associated with performing well if there is a monetary award attached with performing well.

It's debatable as per who motivates employees. Although managers to a certain extent do have an impact on employee motivation, yet the final say lies with the person himself.

Journal article on 360 degree feedback has been highlighted in depth to give a detail elaboration on its effectiveness as a tool to increase employee motivation and productivity. Complete detail as per its application, the benefits and drawbacks derived from it are discussed. The journal article highlighted effectiveness of 360 degree feedback on employee productivity.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs has been discussed and the link between this theory and the management principle of 360 degree feedback will be analyzed. Conclusion as per the effectiveness & use of 360 degree feedback will be discussed.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

There exists a wide array of theories being presented by the psychologist till now. The theory that I have chosen to analyze is the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. Maslow showed us there is a need based hierarchy which begins from ...
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