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1. Explain the “motivation problem” in this organization in terms of the content models of Maslow and Herzberg. What are the “other things” that the human resources manager is referring to in speaking of things besides money, conditions, and fringe benefits that are needed to motivate employees?

Initially we need to define what motivation is, Dewhurst (2009) provides a definition of motivation as, "This term comes from the Latin, in which moveo (Mover movie, motu) means, set in motion to push. Motivational tension arises when the subject perceives the state of affairs, which could reduce tension, and when produced in him the belief that the value of gratification can be achieved, there is a process of motivation, the tendency to perform some specific activities. Motivation is a concept with many different meanings, and the issues involved in many sciences, especially psychology and economics. In a particular person, it is variable in time and space, no one has created - so far and will not create - a prescription for effective motivation - this recipe does not exist. Some people have a greater incentive to work, others for sport, and still others to engage in discussion on any topic (Dewhurst et. al, 2009).

The concept of motivation has a very broad and not entirely clear-cut interpretation. Commonly it is that which produces, directs and sustains human behavior defined. Human behavior, however, are very complicated, and sometimes even irrational. In terms of motivation cannot be so close all the regulations and paragraphs. Real human capabilities are the most hidden and before him. Motivation can be explained through the process as such phenomena as intention, intention, desire, desire, wish, interest in something they have one thing in common - means the occurrence of directional tendencies in man, which is available for pursuing a specific purpose, readiness can be more or less conscious, more or less detailed. This trend will be called the next theme (or a process of motivation), and the general themes we define the term motivation.

The importance of motivation is unquestionable. In science, management is considered to be one of the major functions of management, and even one of the most important management techniques. Since the motivation of action largely depends on the achievement of significant results at work. In theory, manage human resources is formulated with the idea that the usefulness of occupational worker, measured by what they contribute to the development company, is a function of his ability and motivation, a person may be poorly motivated for the company of little help, even if they had high qualifications (Nohria, 2008).

Motivation is the motive force of human behavior and one of the most important factors to improve the efficiency of work. Motivating other hand is "a process of conscious and deliberate impact on the motives of people by providing resources and capacity to implement their systems of values ??and expectations to achieve the incentive." Too strong motivation can, paralyze action, causing excessive emotional ...
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