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Motivation is crucial for the success of any organization. What is even more important is to know what motivates employees. Not one thing works for everyone, individuals are motivated by a verity of reasons. It is the responsibility of management to analyze the needs of the employees and work to motivate and retain them. Motivation is very much link to the psychology of employees and their mindsets and the values they carry with themselves. Motivation is not something that can happen on its own or can exist independently in isolation. Around the globe, companies work to achieve and maintain employee motivation and commitment.



A process or a method that brings out, sustains or control particular behaviors in a person is known as Motivation. It is a phenomena that has an impact on the behavior of an individual and the strength of those behaviors, is a term that refers to a process that elicit, controls, and sustains and the sustenance of that behavior. Several approached are there to motivate employees like behavioral, physiological, social and cognitive. For the purpose of setting objectives and achieving it is crucial to have motivation (for both self and others).

There are many theories that suggest, motivation may have its roots in the ground level needs like the need to have pleasure and to ease the pain; or it may mean the desire to have particular things like food or rest, or any other object, or it can be any element that is not very apparent like selfishness, altruism, mortality or avoiding it. Motivation may be related to emotions.


Motivation in Organization

The commitment level of an individual in the work setting and to the work they are doing is called motivation. It is all about how individuals behave in an organization. With respect to the subject case study it has been clear that the level of employee engagement defines the level of motivation which directly impacts an organization's productivity (Carlson, 2009).

It is important for organizations to understand what motivates employees, to ensure the existence of an efficient work environment. This usually relates to the human psyche which explains that one thing does not work for all; individuals may be motivated by a number of factors and it is the responsibility of the organization to know and understand the key elements that motivate employees.

The subject case study reflects on different strategies that are taken up by the Company to create and develop employee ...
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