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Montessori Education and Motivation

[Institute's Name]Montessori Education and Motivation


A naïve and vulnerable mind is the most receptive asset of a human body; therefore, it is highly imperative that such naïve minds are propelled in the right direction right from the young age, with the pivotal factors of motivation and self assurance. Being a professional Montessori instructor, for a considerable time now, I have astutely observed the innate need in every child to be directed in the right approach, in such an early stage of their lives, so that subtly they will be actuated not only in the right domain, but they will have the appropriate mind set and the desired confidence to travel along in the journey of life.

Prime Motivational Theories

Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

This theory is amongst the most pivotal theories in psychology. This theory takes into account the level of motivation, coupled with the innate desires of human beings, as they vary and advance from stage to stage. Maslow has very astutely spread or divided those stages of motivation and human needs into 5 core levels; such as Physiological (the basics of food, shelter, sleep), Security or Safety (physical, as well as financial and others), Love and Belongingness (family, friends and sexual belonging), Esteem (respect by others, achievements) and Self Actualization requirements/ needs.

Self Determination Theory

Yet another theory pertaining to the domain of motivation focuses on the basic aspects that astutely and vividly pave way for the nurturing of or supporting of an individual's intrinsic or natural dispositions or tendencies, which enable a person to act and rather properly behave in healthy ways, with sheer efficacy. Most importantly, the STD also accentuates on the pivotal aspects that are of critical nature that would pinpoint and eloquently articulate the role cultural, as well as the social factors plays in undermining or facilitating the core sense of readiness and will, coupled with the quality of performance and well being of an individual (Mullins, 2007, P.147).

Attribution Theory

Stemming from the domain of psychology, the attribution theory is believed to be instrumental in gauging the aspects, as well as processes that are used by the people to elucidate the reasons for certain events and behaviours. This theory is instrumental in attributing core meanings to our actions and behaviours.

Self Efficacy Theory

This theory accentuate on the pivotal factors that tend to measure and gauge the innate and imbedded ability or capability of a person to reach the designated and determined goals, and the aspects of completing the tasks. The aspects of self efficacy are both imbedded, as well as developed. It is the conviction a person holds regarding his abilities and power that a person endorses to augment and propel a situation in a certain direction.

Goal Orientation Theory

This theory pertains to the core domain of the social cognitive theory. These are the targets, objectives and the pertinent goals that are deliberately set by the person himself, bearing in mind his potential, abilities and capabilities, in the light of ...
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