The discussion of the paper revolves around the moralistic potion designed and developed in order to enhance the moralistic values within the people of the nation. As a design management expert, I will present the current specification of this miracle drug with an analysis that will provide an in-depth view of the potential benefits of the drug as well as the problem areas. Furthermore, recommendations of improvement with additional required features of the product will be a part of the discussion.
Most people have a set of 'mores', morals or values. These may have been acquired through up-bringing or education or may be based upon a religion. Throughout the world, some are generally accepted such as it being wrong to kill or steal. What would a country be like if these could be 'enhanced'? That is if these particular values could be uppermost in the minds of individuals and their subsequent actions and activities. The moralistic potion is truly a miracle drug with diversified benefits that will help meet such needs of the nation.
Water for Life
Every day we drink our tap natural water from different sites and sources. Each country's regulation requires the disinfection of drinking water before distribution to the public, due to the possible presence of contaminants (microorganisms, minerals and toxic metals, organic chemicals, radioactive substances, additives). Generally, surface water has to go through many stages of purification of groundwater in order to be more suitable for drinking. Each country has its own licensed drinking water standards (Raymond and Michaell, 1993, pp. 747). This prescribes which substances can be in drinking water and what are the maximum concentrations of these substances. The standards are called maximum contaminant levels. Are formulated for any contaminant that may have adverse effects on human health and every company that purifies drinking water has to follow them. The main guidelines of drinking water standards have been published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union (EU) (Oddbjorn, 1990, pp. 85).
Moral values are principles, rules or standards established in our lives from birth. The professional training does not start in the classroom, early on we promote values that eventually assimilate and take it as a way of life. Learning knowledge that the individual receives as a future professional, it is essential for the proper performance of their duties. A solid knowledge base, gives the certainty of their professional activities, but there is everything necessary to have sufficient maturity to combine their skills and capabilities with a set of moral values. A complete professional is one who develops their daily activities, not forgetting the prudence, self-government, fortitude and justice.
The potion is a tremendously designed product that will help the nation develop virtues of high morale and dignity to make sure the situation of the country can improve with less criminal activities and more cooperative environment (Phillips, 2003, pp. 112). Citizens can feel safe to live in such a place where every ...