Moral Intelligence Of Children

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Moral Intelligence of Children

Moral Intelligence of Children


Moral intelligence is considered to be the essential skill for children to meet and feel the feelings appropriately and accurately, it helps in enhancing the ability to assimilate and understand properly and skill to control and change our mood or the other. This ability to handle emotions appropriately can and should develop from the first years of life and emotions are expressed from birth like a child being loved, cherished, and provided safety. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the book of Robert Cole's “Moral Intelligence of Children”. The paper makes an analysis on the Cole's thesis for moral development and the evaluation of Cole's theory in the light of Scripture (Christian Perspective). In order to discuss the moral intelligence of children, the supportive theories including the Kohlberg's theory, cognitive development theory of Piaget and Lev and Psychosocial development theory of Erik Erikson have also been discussed in this paper.

Cole's Thesis for Moral Development

Robert Coles has dedicated his life in writing for the children. Robert Coles believes that no topic can be more important than writing for the children and their proper development. As a series of it, Robert Core has written the book named “The Moral Intelligence of Children: How to Raise a Moral Child”. Robert Coles has written this book as an inspiration of his life which he spent on working with the children in families. Robert Cole has always been fascinated and interested towards the topic of children since the time he was a psychology student (Coles, 1997). He has expressed a lot of his personal views on this topic and has provided many examples from his own life depicting that the personal life experiences can even help the expert psychologists in learning about the children and their intelligence. The theory of moral intelligence has been provided by Robert Coles (Coles, 1997). This theory is mainly based on the belief that the children's are greatly inspired by the behaviors of their surroundings. The most important lessons are learned by the children from the behavior which is performed by their surroundings mainly by their teachers and parents. Thus, through this way he has emphasized that the parents and the teachers are mainly responsible for developing the moral intelligence of children by teaching them lessons like do not lie, or do not steal (Coles, 1997). He proposes in this theory that children get the learning and pick the moral behaviors by observing the behaviors of other people around them. As per Robert Coles, moral behavior can be defined as the actions of an individual that have a great impact on the behaviors of other people. He has emphasized that the moral intelligence i.e. learning from the actions of others is the most influential factor for the children and leaves a long lasting impact on them.

As per the theory of Dr. Coles, the moral intelligence of children mainly depends on the actions performed by their parents and their ...
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