The effect of Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 gene polymorphisms on severe acute pancreatitis
Table of Contents
Ch # 1: Introduction3
i) Pathogenesis4
ii) Cause of Systemic manifestations4
iii) Inflammatory Mediators5
iv) Prognosis5
v) Triggers for systemic responses5
vi) Current Therapeutic Opportunities6
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein - 1 (MCP-1)6
i) The Chemokine Superfamily9
ii) MCP-19
iii) MCP-1 Dimer Formation10
Possible Role In Acute Pancreatitis12
Ch # 2: Literature Review15
Rate of fibrosis progression24
DNA isolation and MCP- 1 genotyping25
Isolation and stimulation of activated HSC25
MCP- 1 and IL-8 secretion of activated HSC26
Isolation of hepatic RNA and quantification of MCP- 1 expression27
Gel mobility-shift assays27
Ch # 3: Methodology29
Patients And Methods29
i)Inclusion Criteria29
ii)Exclusion Criteria29
iii)Inclusion Procedures29
iv)Facilities, Personnel and Practical Issues30
v)Data Collection:30
vi)Measurement of serum Monocyte Chemo attractant Protein-1 levels31
vii)Measurement of urinary Monocyte Chemo attractant Protein-131
vii)Comparison of Monocyte Chemotactic potency between wild and -2518 variant MCP-1 types.31
viii)rt-PCR Analysis of MCP-132
xi)Statistical Analysis, Sample Size and Power32
Ch # 4: Data Analysis34
Statistical Analysis34
Demography of Data34
Cross Tabulations & Chi square36
Oneway ANOVA49
Paired sample T test50
Unpaired T test51
MCP- 1 concentrations in relation to age and lifestyle variables51
Frequency of the -2518 MCP- 1 polymorphism in HCV patients with different rates of progression of fibrosis53
Frequency of the -2518 MCP- 1 polymorphism in HCV patients with different degree of inflammation54
Phenotypic manifestation of the functional -2518 MCP- 1 polymorphism in the liver54
MCP- 1 expression in activated HSC isolated from individuals with different MCP- 1 genotypes56
MCP- 1 concentrations in relation to biochemical phenotypes57
MCP- 1 concentrations in relation to genotypes58
Ch #5: Discussion & Conclusion67
Ch # 1: Introduction
Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP- 1) , a specific factor that chemoattracts and activates monocytes and macrophages, is a 76-amino acid protein that is produced by many types of cells including monocytes, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells . Activated monocytes/ macrophages secrete many angiogenic and other growth factors, which may promote the growth of endometrial explants and the expressions of numerous proinflammatory molecules. Moreover, MCP- 1 has been one of the most commonly investigated chemokines during recent years, because in women with endometriosis, the monocyte/ macrophage system is considered to play a central role in the maintenance of humoral and cell-mediated immunity, and it has been reported that the activity of MCP- 1 is elevated in endometriosis patients . Recently, several investigators reported a relationship between serum or peritoneal fluid , and MCP- 1 levels and endometriosis, but published results are conflicting.
Acute Pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory disease which has an incidence of 30-40 per 100,000 in the UK.
In the United Kingdom, mortality for acute pancreatitis has remained static at 8-10 % for the last 40 years 1. There is a spectrum of severity ranging from mild and self-limiting to severe in up to 30 % of cases.
Most patients demonstrate systemic manifestations which reflect the systemic inflammatory response. These include fever, tachycardia, tachypnoea, hypotension and oliguria. Notably in severe attacks persistence of MODS greater than > 48 hours are associated with an especially high mortality 6, 7.
Severe acute pancreatitis is associated with a marked systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), progression to multiple organ system failure (MOSF) and ...